In challenging times, our commitment to serving the Lord remains unwavering. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Jesus, we find…
Having explored the nuances of noise and static in the realms of communication and sensory experiences, let’s shift our focus…
In the realms of communication and sensory experiences, the terms “noise” and “static” hold distinct characteristics that contribute to our…
In my life I’ve tried to get others to validate me and motivate me. It doesn’t work. People can promote…
I am happy if I am fulfilling my calling. I’m not fulfilling my calling when I allow others to make…
Multi-Level Marketing Defined (MLM) – “A scheme in which a person (as a ‘seller’) buys a certain amount of product…
I started my own business and the market for what I do is just terrible. After 10+ years I’ve seen…
Remember Kids: It’s better to bless than to repossess. -Sidney Vega
I do not often bill for time because the time I take to do something varies regarding how I am…